tail -f /dev/null

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ImageMagick + Imagick + PHP on XAMPP


Step for install

  1. Install Imagick (PHP Extention).
  2. Install DLL of extension module.
  3. Setting DLL.

What is DLL?

Difference of ImageMagick & Imagic refer to this site

1. Install ImageMagick (PHP Extention) under C:¥

Install PHP Extention.

You must install correct version which corresponded to your OS version. i installed 32 bit version ImageMagick-6.9.1-10-Q16-x86-dll.exe.

Confirm extension_dir of phpinfo(); below is ok.

extention_dir C:¥xampp¥php¥ext

Please install ImageMagic from this site because php work well only ver. 6.6.2.<- This is mistake, sorry.

2. Install DLL & Setting

2-1. Install PHP Extension

Install by PECL

!! Then confirm phpinfo(); you should select install.

  • Case of enabled > php_imagick.dll, TS
  • Case of disabled > php_imagick.dll, NTS



2-2. DLL file move into extension folder

php_imagick.dll in download folder move to C:¥xampp¥php¥ext

2-3. CORE_RL_* move into Apache binary folder

CORE_RL_* file move into C:¥xampp¥apache¥bin

2-4. Add extension to php.ini

You should write extension=php_imagick.dll on php.ini ( !! Write under [PECL] ).

3. Setting Environment

Add MAGICK_HOME to your environment PATH.


Try phpinfo();


4. convert image on CLI

>convert wizard: wizard.jpg
>convert wizard.jpg win:


But in this state, ImageMagick number of supported formats is 0 and ImageMagick supported formats is no value so you should do below.

  1. All *_.dll file in C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16¥modules¥coders copy to C:¥xampp¥apache¥bin
  2. All *_.dll file in C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16¥modules¥filters copy to C:¥xampp¥apache¥bin
  3. All *_.dll file in C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16¥modules¥coders copy to C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16
  4. All *_.dll file in C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16¥modules¥filters copy to C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16
  5. All *_.dll file in C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16¥modules¥coders copy to C:¥Windows¥system
  6. All *_.dll file in C:¥ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16¥modules¥filters copy to C:¥Windows¥system
  7. Restart Apache
